Sunday, March 9, 2008

A little of track, but cool just the same...

Okay, ladies and gents... this was the view out my sliding glass door yesterday. The "Blizzard of 2008" was upon us. I have to say that we definitely made it out completely unschathed.

The snow started early Friday, complete with an early dismissal from the school which was a *COMPLETE* cluster. We fielded the phones for a few hours solid and I was threatened by a parent, as if I could have any control over the safety of her child. As a mom myself, I understand that we all get panicked when it comes to our kids, but I was literally just the messenger.

The boss sent us home early, after feeding us all pizza from the local joint, which was VERY cool. I had a few hours at home to myself before the boys came home. It just kept snowing and snowing and snowing and snowing.... and we woke up to what you see there.

All told in Columbus we received about 20 inches, but it wasn't really any different than a normal weekend for us. We vegged out, caught up on laundry, made a trip to the grocery store... (Note to self, when Armedeggon strikes, be sure to have bread. There was NONE at Kroger, just with a snow storm.) to pick up my mother-in-law with the 4WD Blazer. We spent much of Saturday evening with the in-laws. Then today....

One kiddo, having a hard time walking in the deep snow. He asked Eric to shovel a path for him because he was getting "too tired."

Eric was MORE than happy to show him how to make snowballs to throw at me. He even pegged me a few times. :)
It was a really nice afternoon, I have some more pics, complete with snow angels, Nathaniel's not mine. Unfortunately, I am having issues uploading them at the moment.
I hope that those of you that experienced the weather had as much fun as we did. If not, better luck next time. :p
I found out that school is already closed for tomorrow, but I have a meeting in Columbus that does not appear to be cancelled. Oh well. Better to go to work now then to have to make up time in the summer. :D
HAVE A GREAT WEEK! I'll write more about my "designated" topics later on in the week.

1 comment:

TnT Momma said...

So freakin' cool! I LOVE all the snow! Wish we had gotten more around here like this. But, I would have been out of bread too.I didn't realize just how CUTE Nat had gotten - good genes.I guess. ;)